Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Day 83: Self indulgence

We are nearly half way through our Canadian adventure, and yet I feel we have experienced so little. The snow is gone, the days are warm, and any thought of winter sport somewhat slushy. We had a few giant snow flakes in the park today, but as we were out in our jeans and t-shirts, we barely noticed. I doubt the picture will do the last of the sun setting on the mountains any justice, but I thought I'd include it. Hope for tomorrow.

We live on the dark side of the valley, as we don't get the evening sun, but the view is beautiful, at the moment. Sadly the mini ice rink opposite has gone, and building work on a conference centre is due to begin this spring. If the plans are accurate, we will lose the view of anything below the trees. The people building the houses on our street are super friendly though, and always wave from their diggers, balconies or rooves.

Despite us living in a shack, there are some lovely houses on our road, and looking at the local real estate guides, upwards of $850k CAD, so £425k at a conservative estimate. Either the local populous are minted or they all work in Calgary and have second homes here. No chance of moving to paradise then.

Charlie and I are on our own for a week, so of course she is pushing boundaries everywhere. Despite having an afternoon in the park, and being so hungry she ate all her dinner, she was up and wandering around demanding TV till 9. Up again at 730, she threw an enormous tantrum over the TV and refused to eat her cheerios. Thankfully nursery took her off my hands. A day of self indulgence will hopefully give me the strength for the rest of the week.

I'm having a Netflix marathon while doing yoga, having already cleaned the house. Tonight we will have arancini (discovered at our friends' wedding last year) and tomorrow we'll make pizza together, after library, swimming and park. If I tire her enough, maybe she'll sleep?

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